Should the tag [libraries] be allowed?
I just found out that the tag
is blacklisted; I suppose it's because this is the name of the site and
all questions seem to be relevant to libraries. However, this is not
true: the site is about library and information science, which includes
questions about archives and museums among other topics not related to
libraries. For this reason I'd like to allow
next to
for questions about libraries as general institutions.
Answer by jonsca
Why not just use
as necessary, since those are probably going to be the exception not the
rule? If say, less than 5% of our questions are for other institutions,
then retagging the other 95% as
sounds like it would be counterproductive.
As a whole, SE would like to avoid the so-called "meta" tags (in the
sense of all encompassing, not in the sense of "Meta.Libraries", e.g.,
something like programming
or computing
on SO, etc.), as they are
largely implied by the sites that house them.
- Jakob: Ok, thanks for the response. However, I'd favour not voting my question
down, but this response up unless someone considers my question as not
- jonsca: @Jakob Voting works a little bit differently on the meta sites. Since no
reputation is at stake, people take it as a means of expressing
agreement or disagreement on a proposition. It's definitely not a
critique on your question or you, just the subject matter. I personally
did not downvote you.
- Jakob: Ok. By the way I thought about the [tag:libraries] tag because this
was tagged [tag:public-libraries] while it applies to any library types.
I just retagged it.
- jonsca: @Jakob That's fine. It wasn't appropriate there, but make sure that the
question isn't particular to public libraries (e.g., a question about a
public library board made up of citizens or something).
- Alan Thomas II: Yes, I think that the type-specific tags should be used when something's
specific to a specific type of library or museums or archives or
what-have-you and not when the question isn't really; "libraries" is
just too general to result in anything other than metadata clutter.
(Who's going to browse or follow the general "libraries" tag,
realistically speaking?)