The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
A long time ago, there was a discussion on Cooking.SE about what were called 'meta-tags'. Basically, those tags which mean absolutely nothing on their own.
The one I've noticed is actually on meta, not the main site:
This one's especially egregious as if people think (especially in meta), that a question is constructive -- up vote it. If you think it's not, down vote it.
So, should we have a policy against 'meta-tags' in general, or just the subjective ones?
Hopefully everything that is discussed in Meta is constructive, so I don't think we need this tag at all.
From what I can see, it looks like the tag is being used to talk about what is constructive/acceptable on the site and what isn't. This strikes me as somewhat useless, as the whole point of Meta is for issues like that. I say we just edit the questions to remove the tags, and just let the tag die on its own.
As Ashley notes, the tag was apparently used to discuss types of questions that might be seen as inappropriate (not constructive).
I've replaced it with scope on the questions where it appeared, as this term is better able to encompass the topics of discussion (which may decide certain questions are appropriate / inappropriate for reasons beyond simply constructive/not-constructive). I've also merged (and synonymized) on-topic with scope, for the same reason.