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Do we need [youth-services], [young-adult] and [young-people]?

There are currently three tags involving Youth: - Youth services - Young adult - Young people.\ Do we need all three?

Youth services covers what library (or other information industry) services are provided to this demographic.\ Young people could combine all age groups from 5-16 years of age, but I wonder if this is needed.\ Young adult is the demographic.

Are questions going to be about the service aspect, or are this there a need to add in the demographic for each age group/range?

Deborah Mould


Answer by Deborah Mould

I think we should make 'young people' a synonym for 'young adult' regardless.


Answer by Ashley Nunn

I dont think we need three different tags Young adult tends to refer to a specific category of book and youth services would refer to services for that particular age group, I suppose, but young people seems to be a superfluous tag. There is no real need for it to exist.


Answer by M. Alan Thomas II

The young-people question was about something that falls into the YA range and is specifically a youth services operation. One of the two young-adult questions appears to have nothing to do with young adults, which is odd, and the other could just as easily be filed under youth-services. I haven't reviewed all of youth-services yet, but it's clearly a large and appropriate tag.

I suggest:

  1. retagging the young-people question, which will delete the tag from the database,
  2. allowing young-adult to exist along with other age group markers within the broad umbrella of youth-services, and
  3. using the tag wiki to explain usage.
