The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
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TAR Ball
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Are questions about finding specific types of libraries on topic?
How do we want to handle subjective questions?
Should we aim for a semi-controlled vocabulary for tags?
Are book store questions on topic?
How and When do we get the ALA involved in this site and how involved do we let them get?
Is information science as a domain ontopic?
Are questions about archives on topic, and should they be solicited somehow?
Are youth services questions on topic?
"Best practice" response to multiple good answers?
Do we really need the 'best-practices' tag?
Are reference questions on topic?
What should our logo and site design look like?
Are questions about programming ideas on topic?
Who should our moderators be?
How do we spread the word about our awesome site?
Where is the line between the Digital Preservation and Libraries stack exchange sites?
What's the etiquette for dealing with promotional answers?
Should [profession] be killed before it snowballs?
How should we clean up the tags university-libraries, academia, and academic?
Should the [archive] tag be changed and synonym'd to [archives]?
Should [public-library] and similar be made synonyms of their plurals (e.g., [public-libraries])?
Should [interlibrary] be made a synonym of [interlibrary-loan]?
Should [private-collection] be made a synonym of [home-libraries|home-library]? (Or vice-versa or . . . ?)
Where's the question about civil disobedience?
Which questions from the definition phase of this proposal that were highly-rated as on-topic are now considered off-topic/non-constructive?
Can list-answerable questions (e.g., reader's advisory) be constructive?
How should we deal with [professional-development], [staff-development], and similar training terms?
Who are we directing the site towards?
[research]: What should be done?
Setting the scope for the site: Professional/Expert
Do we need [youth-services], [young-adult] and [young-people]?
Policy on 'Book Recommendations'?
Is 'What does your library do?" an appropriate sort of question here?
Are "Name That Book" questions on-topic?
Research data tag pileup
How has this site been promoted at ALA conference or other meetings?
Are questions like "What is your most used feature in an ILS" on-topic?
Should we have a policy on 'meta-tags' on Meta?
tag-synonyms for popular acronyms
Moderator Pro Tem Announcement
Should the tag [libraries] be allowed?
Let's get the word out!
Creating a digital-preservation tag and adding it back to all the digital preservation questions
Questions from cycling for libraries
Are questions about specific reference managers for end users appropriate?
Chat room name suggestions
Extracting linked data thesaurus structure from tag wikis
Libraries and Information Science self-evaluation: let's get critical!
What are your "wishes" for the site?
How closely does the LIS Stack Exchange need to follow other Stack Exchanges in terms of "appropriate" questions?
Is it ethical to ask a question from an Area51 site here?
Comments could be answers & accepting answers
Are we just too good at research?
Questions on software recommendations not allowed?
Are questions on taxonomies/hierarchies on topic?
The FAQ doesn't seem to capture the moderators sense of what is in scope and what isn't
Recommendation to attempt to edit questions before voting to close
Books about minimalism vs consumerism (in French & English)
A Leadership Vacuum: Please Step Up
Let's get critical: May 2013 Site Self-Evaluation
Libraries & Information Science will be closing on June 7, 2013