Secure Short Term Archiving
There is a lot of good info on this site about long term storage, but
what about short term where security is an issue. I'm thinking about
things like in house or public SSL/PKI keys or password lists where a
replacement is not possible or not feasible.
These things are small enough that multiple copies is not a problem, but
the more copies the more opportunity there is for someone to break the
encryption and limiting copies means you really have to be sure not to
lose it.
At the moment, we burn the encrypted data to CD and a USB stick and put
them in a safe deposit box.
What kind of media would you use? And where/how would you store it?
The Diamond Z
- gmcgath: This isn't really a digital preservation question. It would be more
appropriate for an encryption forum.
- The Diamond Z: I'm not asking about encryption but rather what media is appropriate for
such a situation. For SSL/PKI let's say it's the secret recipe for New
Coke 2012? Or anything digital that has an expiry date.
- Ben Fino-Radin: I don't think this question was off topic, and there is a good digital
preservation question in there. However, it could have been articulated
more clearly. When asking a question – it is great to have the
contextual information in a paragraph / narrative form, but be sure that
your actual question at the end is in a complete sentence form that
includes all the info you are requesting, rather than "What kind of
media would you use?" for example. The question portion should be able
to stand on its own. This ll help articulate your need, and prevent
closure for mistaken "off-topic" identity.
- Adam-E: I think there's potential in this question, but as @BenFino-Radin said,
needs more detail, at which point I'd vote to reopen