What is the safest place to store an external hard drive?
Ideally I'd like to back everything up to a cloud. But my Internet
connection probably isn't fast enough to back everything up so I'd still
like a secure place to store them.
I would also like to guard against all low-probability events, such as
table collapses, floods, earthquakes, window-shattering meteors, and me
accidentally stepping on my old hard drives.
- John Lovejoy: backups are not a means of digital preservation
- Michael Kjörling: This question is about general computer support, and probably fits
better over on SuperUser.
- wizzard0: You are asking a wrong question for many reasons: 1. it's not about DP
- HDs fail anyway, it's not like you can help much with this 3. what is
the expected budget? how many HDs? how do you store them currently? etc
etc etc.
- Donald.McLean: Is your connection really that slow relative to the amount of data that
you want to back up? It took me a couple of months for my initial backup
to the service that I use but maintaining the backup is nothing. Also,
some companies, such as CrashPlan, offer seeding services. You pay a fee
and they mail you a physical disk that you back everything up to and
mail back to them.