The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
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Converting our printed genealogies into digital form
How do I get JHOVE2 to build?
What physical media format(s) are going to be easiest to open in the future?
Comparative lifetimes of digital media
How can I recover old digital formats whose readers are no longer extant?
What are some advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing extraction/transfer of digital content from digital media?
Evaluating large-format scanners
How can I recover digital audio that was encoded on VHS cassettes around 1987?
What is the ideal format to scan analog photos?
Extracting data from and preserving 3.5in floppy disks used in a Macintosh SE (1988)
How to digitize audio casettes?
Where to publish master's thesis (in PDF)?
When using a Fedora Repository what are the relative merits of storing files inside and outside the system?
Opening Obscure Audio Transcription Files
When to normalize born digital video for preservation and when to keep heterogeneous original file formats
What is the best format for storing digital photos?
What storage hardware should I use for a LOCKSS node?
How to handle sensibly lossful digital long term preservation?
How to access Windows encrypted files after reformat?
Should general-purpose Unicode/UTF text files include a BOM?
Guarding data against corruption or loss during file organisation/curation
How to store CD discs to preserve the data longer?
Is the PDF format appropriate for preserving documents with long perspective?
Most efficient way to generate and validate file checksums
Are Usenet newsgroups a good way to preserve sniplets of publicly available information?
What steps can I take to help ensure my digital media will be preserved for the future?
When should preserved data be allowed to die?
How do I backup and restore a Game Boy cartridge save file?
How to future-proof digital metadata
If I break a book's binding to scan its pages, am I legally required to keep the book's physical remains to use the digital copy?
When is it legal/ethical to preserve website content?
When does it make sense to use different web archiving tools?
Should Digital Preservationists be Worried about cryptographic hash collisions?
Coping with spam in web archivers
When does per-medium redundancy in archiving become over the top?
web archiving tools that produce WARC + directory tree
What hardware would make up a good starter set for digital media acquisitions?
What format should be used when archiving GPS track data?
Tool suites for archiving instant messaging history
How can I extract data from an Amstrad CF2 disk to either a windows or linux based PC
Studies on media failure rates
Is there still an economic argument for preserving born-digital video at less than 4:4:4?
File format migration paths for Instant Artist files
How can I mass-archive Ajax-heavy websites that archive.org can't preserve?
How can I archive all the Facebook discussions on a Facebook group page?
What are some good clipboard-archiving utilities for archiving everything I copy in Windows?
How many MBs would it take for me to store everything that my computer captures as video?
How can I digitize as many of my old notebooks with as little extra effort as possible?
What is the safest place to store an external hard drive?
If my computer plays music that's really loud, could that make my computer's hard drives accumulate bad sectors faster, or maybe fail faster?
Do electronic devices, hard drives, and laptops fail faster in highly-polluted environments?
What are some best practices when choosing news websites to link to when I want the links to work years from now?
What should I look for when finding an external HD that maximizes its expected lifetime as a stable carrier medium?
What is the easiest way to archive a rapidly-updating website every 5 minutes?
Will using an external hard drive more often mean that it will fail faster on average?
How can I archive all the data in an RSS feed?
What is the copyright situation for the outcome of retro digitization?
What disk image format for use vs preservation
What tools can we use to appraise content before digital preservation?
How many copies of preserved content are needed?
What are the benefits of certifying a repository as a "Trusted Digital Repository" (ISO 16363)
What should be the qualifications for digital archivist jobs?
What hardware consumer devices exists for digital preservation?
Is emulation a good option for preserving large email collections?
What are the bare minimal steps needed to consider digital content preserved?
Is it necessary to save original media after all content has been copied from them?
How do DVD and Blu-Ray compare in durability?
What would it take to preserve a basic flash game?
Fixity calculation resources
M-DISC as an archival storage medium
Is it impossible to produce old electronics in new factories?
How to deal with preservation of software with unknown author and licence?
Key issues to consider when deciding between Islandora and Hydra as front-ends to a Fedora Repository
What issues do archives need to consider when developing a plan for accessioning an organization's Sharepoint content
What target preservation format and extraction process to use for digitized film currently on DVD+RW?
How can i sort large amounts of data?
Which tools are most effective for identifying the format of ebook (mobi, epub) files?
Under what circumstances would it ever make sense to use encryption during archival of digital information?
Secure Short Term Archiving
What are some ways to automatically generate descriptive metadata for warcs?
DVD preservation format
What is the recommended practice for retaining logs of fixity checks?
Microscopy, journals and compression