The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
There are currently 44 digital preservation tagged questions on the libraries SE. Many of these were posted by folks who worked to get this site up and running. I think all of them are in scope and a better fit for this site. We have already seen some questions pop up here that have been asked and answered in that set of 44 questions and it would be great if those were showing up in our "questions that may already have your answer" list. So, do folks here think those questions should come over here? If so, does anybody know what process there is to bring them over.
Trevor Owens
Definitely. Lets get them moved over. I think we need some admin help from LIS Stack to do this.
While it's technically possible to migrate questions, the migration paths are not set up until a site becomes well-established. But beyond that technical limitation, building this community from the old, pre-answered questions of another site would do this site a terrible disservice. That's not how you want to build this site.
Forget for a moment that other site may not want their content removed like that (along with the the knowledge and reputation earned). Consider that, from day one, your brand new site will be filled with old, pre-answered anonymous questions, as the original authors are off on another site. Your tags will be inherited from another site, regardless of how this community wants to organize content here. Comments would be largely meaningless and scattered with links to another site. Voting wont reflect the activity on this community, which makes it difficult to build an avid higher-reputation community to watch over this site — Vote Early, Vote Often.
The idea of creating a site dedicated to Digital Preservation is to build a community was supposedly not being well-served by another site. I wouldn't rush to simply migrate someone else's content content. Focus on building your own community. Give yourselves some time to figure out the scope and culture of this site. You should focus on building your own content with properly curated content, built with the community and expertise that genuinely belongs here.
That was the point of creating this site in the first place.
I had wondered this too. There's some really useful DP questions and answers over there, which lots of people now on this site contributed to. If we don't move them over, it's quite likely we'll see them being asked again. I wonder if people will spend the same time answering them (and therefore building rep here) if they have been done already.
Those questions would also give people a better idea of the type of question that's suitable here, especially as there's been quite a few 'off topic' questions asked already and closed. A list of too many closed or off topic questions might put other folk off. Having a more comprehensive set of answered and legitimate questions helps even things out.