Converting Strings to Floating-Point Numbers in Java#
I wrote this some time ago, when I was using Java 1.0 and 1.1. Those early versions had no library routines for loading Double/Float values from a String, so I rolled my own (see below). Since Java 1.2 however, all you have to do is
try {
double a = Double.parseDouble(“1.5311243e-23”).doubleValue();
} catch( NumberFormatException e ) {
I’m not sure whether the parseDouble method copes with using a ‘D’ as the seperator between the mantissa and exponent, but I suspect it does. Check the Java API for more info.
Parsing Floating-Point Numbers in Java 1.0 and 1.1#
While Java does have methods such as Integer.parseInt(Routine to show parseDouble in action…
Should correctly interpret inputstr = -.4322e+02
value = -43.22
2*value = -86.44
The routine will translate strings of the form
Please feel free to copy and use the parseDouble routine, and If anyone knows a better way of doing it, e-mail me about it so I can improve my code. One known problem is that if the routine is made to translate a string it doesn’t recognise, it just writes ‘Bad data!’ to the standard output and returns (double) 0.0. Whenever I get around to seriously using this routine, I’ll alter it so it throws a NumberFormatException if there is a problem.
The Code#
Included here verbatim, and can also be downloaded from the link below.
// –>
// Example stand-alone application which uses the parseDouble routine:
// By A N Jackson.
class parseDoubleEG {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String filename,inputstr;
float indat;
inputstr = " -.4322e+02 ";
System.out.println("Routine to show parseDouble in action...");
System.out.println("Should correctly interpret inputstr = " + inputstr);
indat = (float) parseDouble(inputstr);
System.out.println("value = " + indat);
indat *= 2.0;
System.out.println("2*value = " + indat);
/* --> parseDouble v1.0
Routine to parse a floating point number from a string.
Written by A N Jackson (c) 27th January 1998.
public static double parseDouble(String ipstr) {
double num = 0.0, mant = 0.0, exp = 0.0;
int mantsn = 1,expsn = 1,dp = -1,i,len,inum = 0;
boolean inmant = true,inexp = false, skip = false;
char ichr;
String istr;
len = ipstr.length();
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
skip = false;
ichr = ipstr.charAt(i);
if (inexp) {
if (ichr == ' ') {
skip = true;
if (ichr == '+') {
skip = true;
if (ichr == '-') {
expsn = -1;
skip = true;
if (inmant) {
if (ichr == ' ') {
skip = true;
if (ichr == '+') {
skip = true;
if (ichr == '-') {
mantsn = -1;
skip = true;
if (ichr == '.') {
dp = 0;
skip = true;
if (ichr == 'E' || ichr == 'e' || ichr == 'D' || ichr == 'd') {
inmant = false;
inexp = true;
skip = true;
if (skip != true) {
istr = "x";
istr = istr.replace('x',ichr);
try {
inum = Integer.parseInt(istr);
} catch (NumberFormatException NFE) {
// Should throw an appropriate NumberFormatException
System.out.println("Bad data!");
return (double) 0.0;
if (inmant && dp>-1) dp++;
if (inmant) mant = mant*10.0 + inum;
if (inexp) exp = exp*10.0 + inum;
if (dp==-1) dp = 0;
num = mantsn*mant*Math.pow(10.0, expsn*exp - dp);
return num;